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Facing an unplanned pregnancy and wondering if you have options besides abortion? The answer is yes. Your other pregnancy choices include parenting and adoption.

While parenting and adoption both require you to carry your pregnancy to term (unlike abortion, which terminates your pregnancy), many women in your shoes have chosen one of these options and found them to be the best decision they could have made.

Only you can decide what pregnancy decisions are right for you, but learning all you can will help. This article highlights the essentials you need to know about parenting and adoption. However, if you want to talk to someone in person instead, contact Pregnancy Care Center for a free, confidential appointment.

Is Parenting Right for Me?

Does parenting sound like an impossible option? Are you worried about finances or a lack of emotional support? Although these feelings are valid and understandable, there are resources that can help you feel prepared and confident to parent.

When considering whether parenting is the right option, the most important question to ask yourself is this: Do I have the heart to parent? If even a small part of yourself wants to parent, you owe it to yourself to fully explore this option.

When thinking through parenting, asking yourself the following questions can help:

  • Will I have any support from my friends, family, or partner? If not, are there other sources of help in my community? (For example, at a church, work, school, etc.?)
  • Do I need help with housing, food, finances, etc.? If so, where can I find these resources?
  • How will I feel if I choose not to parent?
  • How can I envision this being a rewarding option?
  • What might my life look like if I choose to parent?
  • What might it look like to work toward my goals while parenting?

Is Adoption Right for Me?

Adoption involves placing your child with an adoptive family. This choice can be emotionally difficult, but it’s also a selfless act that gives your pregnancy a future.

Adoption is a pregnancy choice that is full of options, depending on your goals and desires. For example, you can choose whether you want to have contact with the adoptive family and child, the frequency of contact, or if you want to remain anonymous.

To understand if adoption is right for you, it’s essential to speak with an adoption counselor. They will walk you through the adoption process and answer your questions.

You’re Not Alone

Trying to navigate your pregnancy options can feel overwhelming. We understand. You’re not alone in this process. We’re here for you.

Contact us today to schedule a free, confidential appointment.

*NOTE: We offer accurate information about all your pregnancy options; however, we do not offer or refer for abortion services. The information presented on this website is intended for general education purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional and/or medical advice.